
Learn Kubernetes? Sure, let me build compute cluster first...

14 node Raspberry Pi cluster. Only managed to get 4 8GB Raspberry Pi 4s before the shortage hit, switched to ODroid CM2s with 4GB RAM for the rest. Found the gorgeous Streacom ST-DB4 silent PC case to house it all.
Needed a hefty 5V power supply and a few fans. Had to modify the ethernet hubs to run off 5V. There's also a 1TB HDD and an USB3 ethernet adapter in the front for the control node.
Racks for 7 nodes each - 3D printed end plates, M2.5 threaded rods. Had to switch to ODroid CM2s due to Raspberry Pi shortage.
Putting it all together. Had to make custom ethernet cables to make them neat.
It's ALIVE! 56 CPUs, 67GB RAM (Should be 71GB but an RPi lost 4GB somehow)
Add power control electronics so control node can power up worker nodes and fans on demand (so I don't have to manually shutdown every damn node). Replaced fans with Noctuas to sound less like a jet engine
Could it get any cooler? Yep - add a circular TFT screen! Bezel is 3D printed then varnished. Screen plugs into control node via SPI. Yes, I did manage to shatter the tip of a 12mm carbide end mill...
Yep, I ripped off the old SGI logo. Screen shows CPU, RAM and temperature load info for each node, driven by the control node.